Sunday, May 17, 2009


A bunch of us were banished to the outside of the Starship Enterprise. We didn't do anything naughty enough to be sent to the brig, but we were sent outdoors to be supervised by a fleet police officer who was really nice. The main violation was smuggling contraband onto the know, fruit, electronics, etc. The police officer was nice and let us talk to each other since he thought the policy was silly too. It was night time so we all bedded down on the roof of the spaceship in our sleeping bags around this large hold that had a slide in it where the contraband was sent down into the fire to burn.

Now's where it gets strange.

The items had to get into the fire gradually so it could maintain a slow, gradual burn. This was accomplished by the little people from the Wizard of Oz hitting the storage tube with large wooden hammers to the rhythm of the lollypop kids song. Every few seconds you would see a puff of smoke billow above the starship as we were lulled to sleep by the rhythmic thumping of their hammers.

All of a sudden one of my fellow prisoners' pocket started singing a tune. He had more contraband and the nice policeman had to confiscate his cellphone and throw it down the slide to the tube to await it's firey fate. This young man was vary upset and kept saying how he had just bought the phone and didn't know he wasn't allowed to have it. There is no mercy in space so he was forced to listen to the music coming from his phone while it waited in the tunnel to be thumped into the fire. The music eventually got a bit slurred as the phone statred to melt and was eventually stopped and turned into a puff of smoke as it made it's way to the fire.

At this time, the boy began to cry but in space you cry oil. This scared the crap out of the boy and he began to sweat black oil as well. The nice police officer came to him, looked down on him in a fatherly way and said "looks like you've got a little stupid on you, son." The boy mumbled an "u-huh" and the nice man ushered him to the medic ward to get cleaned up.

Then I woke up.

So you tell me what that means...

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