Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Originally uploaded by Vince Outlaw
I have always been intrigued by slang. Perhaps it is because I have been instructed and lectured on proper English the majority of my life. Or perhaps it is because I grew up in a town of 100 in Northern Wisconsin and the words coming out of my mouth just sounded foolish. I grew up in the era of "Rad," "Fresh," and "A'it" but could not bring myself to actually say the words. I would practice in private but in public, it was back to being proper.

This example of 1970s jive talk represents my alter ego. The one that desperately wanted to be cool but couldn't bring herself to act on it. She still lives in there and is coaxed out on occasion with the aid of Tequila, but for the majority of her days she lives quietly, secretly enjoying her words.


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